Devin Kalish
I’m Devin, I met Nick through Rochester Institute of Technology’s Effective Altruism club. Many of my posts are edited versions of rants I previously posted on the club’s Discord. I have a BAAS in Physics and Literature and MAs in English and Bioethics, but mostly I write about philosophy.
- Music Review Madness 1
- The Subject in Subjective Time: A New Approach to Aggregating Wellbeing
- We Have Not Been Invited to the Future: e/acc and the Narrowness of the Way Ahead
- Appendices: "Some Observations on Alcoholism"
- [April Fools] Towards A Better Moral Circle
- Contra Ozy Brennan on Sex Addiction
- How the Fun Homes Work
- What Doesn't Matter To (or About) Free Will
- Some Problems with Comparing Factory Farming to the Holocaust
- A Taxonomy of Right Wing Thought
- Some Observations on Alcoholism
- Suicide is not "Selfish" or "Cowardly": In Defense of Focusing on the Person Whose Life is at Stake
- What is the Meaning of Life?
- Reaction to "Apology for an Old Email"
- On Fetuses and Farms
- Devin on the EA Forum: Volume 1
- Marginal Cases, On Trial
- Consequentialism: A Defense/Manifesto
- Partial Aggregation's Utility Monster
- Appendix: "Immortality and its Critics: Why Rationalism Should not Treat its Darling as Unpopular or Simple"
- The Bioethicists are (Mostly) Alright
- Effective Altruism, Before the Memes Started
- How Much of a Ratfic is Dr. Stone?
- Expected Value and Normative Gettier Problems
- Pascal's Wager is S-Tier
- The Shallowness of Hypocrisy
- Kalish Versus RadicalXChange
- Weyl Versus the Rationalists
- Ditch the President, Vote on the Cabinet
- The Dystopian Objection to Cryonics
- The Tragedy of Alternative Voting Methods
- Was Mary Shelley Utilitarian? Excerpts from my Senior Capstone
- Response to: "Why Meat is Moral, and Veggies are Immoral"
- Appendices:"Complexities of Free Speech: Some Approaches, Problems, and Reasons to Care"
- Appendices: "If We Talk About the Democratic Problems with Philanthropy, We Should Talk About the Limitations of Democracy"
- How Aggregation Can Fail Utilitarianism in the Most Important Ways [Presentation Video]
- If We Talk About the Democratic Problems with Philanthropy, We Should Talk About the Limitations of Democracy
- Immortality and its Critics: Why Rationalism Should not Treat its Darling as Unpopular or Simple
- The Ones Who Walk Away From Utilitarianism: A Review of Five Objections
- Complexities of Free Speech: Some Approaches, Problems, and Reasons to Care
- At Least in the West